"may this prayer i spin weave through the darkness of the frozen stars ― and reach the skies above you"


it was under the cerulean skies,
did the cogs of fate begin to turn.

base template by cassiaslair

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  • OC Concept ━ Edelweiss was put together through my love of ancient folklores, notable characters from older games, as well as past beloved literatures. Her concept stays with me since the beginning of my adolescent years. In this generation of advanced technology, I am thankful to finally be able to realize clearer visions of her through the help of talented content creators and artists out there

  • Reflection━ I often see myself in Edelweiss, needless to mention, she is infused with several traits parallel to that of my own. She and I are practically introverts who enjoys her own company and mostly keeps to herself

  • Who I am━ Hello! I go by Momo. I was born and raised from a country in SEA and migrated to the U.S. over a decade ago and I am currently in my twenties. Through our interactions, you will learn that I am a workaholic businesswoman in real life. Although mostly married to my job, I try to have a healthy work-life balance, as everyone out there should!

  • Social life━ In my free time, I love to hang out with my significant other, and play primarily FFXIV or a whole lot of other cozy games! I am a quiet person whom is fond of having smaller circle of friends, but am open to the idea of getting to know new peers

she / her.
infj - t

  • Hobbies━ I partake in many hobbies such as eating, listening to music, and sleeping; which is how I am slowing down! I fancy Japanese and Italian cuisines, adore songs with beautiful melodies and lyrics, but most importantly.. A sucker for hibernating...

  • Beliefs & aspiration━ I strongly believe in the rebirth of a new life after one's river of mortality runs dry. I believe in spirituality and the existence of higher powers; but that is not to say I do not believe in the arts of science. I still wish to fulfill my livelong dream of being a forensics linguist

  • Interaction━ I do not interact with minors nor those who sexualizes a(n) underaged person(s) or character(s). Negativity is far from being welcomed in my space. In addition, hostile and/or questionable behavior will also not grant you my friendship, much less my respect. I do not indulge in a lot of social interaction/gathering for personal reasons. Though I'm open to wcif DMs, I do expect basic courtesy

  • Admirations & disapprovals━ My admiration lies within considerate people, no matter however slight it is displayed. I look up to those capable of putting others first, but still understands how to set their own boundaries. I don't take kindly to individuals who take advantage of their peer's kindness


edelweiss atreides.

AGE. Appears in her mid twenties
GUIDING DEITY. Halone, The Fury | Atropos, The Immutable
HEIGHT & WEIGHT. 5 feet, 11 inches | 99 lbs
HAIR & EYE COLOR. Ash blonde | Sapphire blue
NOTABLE FEATURES. Ram-like qualities | Marionette physique
OCCUPATION. Harpist | Watchmaker (in her retired days)
LIKES. Her own company, the smell of rain, the sound of waves
DISLIKES. Unruly behavior, warm weather, crawling insects
ALIGNMENT. Lawful evil

VIRTUES. Sharp and intelligent
FLAWS. Methodical and perfectionist
SPECIAL ABILITY. Manipulation of fate and time's fabric

Among her many gifts, music and magic hold the greatest allure for Edelweiss. Upon entering Ishgard's Royal Academy of Arts, the harp resonated with her spirit, becoming not just an instrument of choice, but also a cherished companion. Her musical aptitude blossomed alongside her fondness, weaving a beautiful tapestry of skill and passion.
With regards to magic, Edelweiss possess an aptitude of unmatched degree. Spells and incantations flow from her effortlessly, a testament to her raw talent. However, with great gifts, come the greatest of burdens. Edelweiss is acutely aware of the responsibilities her power entails.Despite her brilliance in the arcane arts, her prowess in physical combat was lacking. To address this shortcoming, she was assigned a formidable mentor. Theirs was a partnership born of necessity, yet beneath the surface of focused training, a subtle current of affection began to flow.

Edelweiss encapsulates a unique blend of grace and intellect. Her faith lies primarily in the power of reason, believing the heart leads to impulsive decisions. Clad in a suit of stoicism, she projects an air of emotional distance.

Edelweiss' appearance represents classic Atreides traits: hair that remains a cascade of silky blonde, shimmering with an uncommon sheen that seems to defy the passage of time. Striking blue eyes, evoking the ocean's vastness. Tall, slender figure that carries itself with grace. These ethereal, seemingly ageless qualities fuel speculations, leaving many to wonder about the secret that lies beneath her lineage.


butterfly effect. Blessed by her enigmatic guardian, Atropos, Edelweiss possesses a destiny-bending ability. She can manipulate the threads of fate and time, though to a limited extent. This power, a gift from a being shrouded in mystery, comes with an unknown cost.
proteus. A rare convergence of a rising tide and a lunar eclipse triggers a remarkable metamorphosis within Edelweiss. This celestial event allows her to transform into her canis form, which grants her exceptional powers to traverse the dreamscape with ease.sage's gaze. With a focus of her will, she can compel others to reveal their deepest truths; a power particularly potent when suspicion clouds her judgment. However, this ability comes at a terrible cost. Extended and frequent use strains her very essence, and inflicts ocular trauma upon her eyes.

Consumed by the pressure to continue his lineage, the Lord of House Atreides, Elias, delved into the forbidden art of creation magick. Driven by a desperate quest to perpetuate his legacy, he sculpted what he believed to be the pinnacle of human potential; all while transgressing every ethical boundary.He harvested parts, meticulously sculpting them into nature-defying forms. Then, with a forbidden breath, he gifted them life.Playing God, if you will.Countless lives were sacrificed in his ruthless pursuit of genetic perfection. Edelweiss' brilliance is undeniable, yet the true cost of her existence remains veiled in mystery.This dark endeavor comes to be known as Project Marionette. Within Lord Atreides' inner circle, the deed is known only to the researchers who toiled away in forbidden laboratories, and mages who twisted arcane energies to his will.As far back as Edelweiss can remember, not one of her extended family shared the striking features that marked her appearance. Her two sisters, however, did bore the unmistakable mark of their controversial origins.Confined within the opulent walls of their Ishgardian estate, her life resembled a gilded cage. Her world remained frustratingly small, as her outings necessitated Elias' intervention – a subtle weave of transformation magick to conceal her truth.

Elias' sudden death, however, shattered the fragile normalcy of Edelweiss' existence. Without his magick to mask her appearance, venturing into Ishgardian society was no longer an option. The once-adoring world now mirrored the bitter prejudice festering within. Facing expulsion, she grappled with the chilling uncertainty of a future ripped from her grasp.The weight of truth shattered Edelweiss' sheltered existence. A torrent of emotions, a mix of denial and existential dread, threatened to consume her. A silent war of self-acceptance emerged from within, etching its mark on her psyche.Despairing, Edelweiss teetered on mortality's edge.In a rare intervention, the Goddess of Fate, Atropos, pulled Edelweiss back from the abyss. The unexpected act that defied natural order awoken a dormant catalyst.Edelweiss' soul corroded from the ever-growing conscience that her life bloomed from the ashes of others. The cursed knowledge would forever be a part of her.. Albeit with a life built on sacrifice, a path to redemption arose.Was it atonement for the sins of her creation, or a flicker of hope for a life beyond suffering? The answer remained cloaked in mystery, but the power pulsed within her flourished as a beacon in the darkness.

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edelweiss's beauty is both captivating and unsettling. ram-like ears droop from her head, framed by hair that carries the signature atreides shade. spiraling granite horns inlaid with mana-infused sapphire emerges from her intricately carved skull. delicate gold filigree adorns the base of her horns, a touch of regality intertwined with a subtle hint of protection. her body, a vessel of ivory marble, is intricately decorated with motifs of baroque porcelain, with gold alloy filling the sectioned gaps. a curious anomaly – she bleeds liquid gold when wounded.

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edelweiss assumes a canis form within the dreamscape, allowing her to traverse the vast expanse of dreams with ease.
her primary purpose in this form is to act as a beacon for lost souls. by locating these wandering spirits, she shepherds them back towards the afterlife.
the form is not so easily described at a quick glance, as its composition is of differing variety of entities ranging from faunas of the sea and the land. it is adorned with objects of edelweiss' mementos carefully placed around the body, including but not limited to: an altered version of the prized cape she acquired in her sword training
days, her late mother's fans that has been passed down for generations, and an aquamarine-inlaid ribbon bestowed to her as a proud member of the atreides household

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grief knits two hearts in closer bonds
than happiness could ever hope to stitch.

-alphonse de lamartine




The former combat instructor of Edelweiss that has now chosen to dedicate his life to her, by being her partner. The dark arts of the blade and forbidden arcane are among his specialties.
Despite whispers of being the illegitimate son of the War Chief Sieghart, Siegfried, under Ser Aymeric's command, has carved a path of his own as a respected knight. His firm dedication to his duty and his prowess in combat have earned him the trust of his superiors.Though some may hold his parentage against him, Siegfried finds unwavering support in his loving parents who instilled in him the strength to protect himself and those around him.

artwork credits (from left to right, in ascending to descending order) peachiqiqi | momoart10 | bbergolts | aeyochi | ins_evil | zjaltusqkrtk

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of my

beloved oc's and adopts of somber petrichor.
each well-loved and well-cherished by yours truly.

ATROPOS | ?? The Immutable━
Edelweiss' divine guardian and the eldest of the Moirai. A fate-ending goddess that renders the decisions of her sisters irreversible

EDELWEISS | ?? Dreamwatcher of Time━
Eldest daughter of House Atreides. A fair maiden blessed with divine powers of Goddess Atropos

HERIATT | ?? Overseer of the Cosmos━
Born of the flowing sea of stars, and is one of the beating hearts of it. A galactic lynx whom parallel identity is Demeter; the goddess of harvest

RYUJIN | ?? Void Serpent of the East━
A demi-serpentine orphan raised by the secret syndicate of the Ruby Sea

ANTHEMIS | ?? Oath of Frost━
Younger sister of Edelweiss; the gentlest and frailest of the three. Albeit the most delicate, her prowess of frost magicks is second to none

???? | ??. coming soon

ODETTE | 23. Absolut Prisma━
An elven maiden born blind to colours, and sees the world in monochromatic hues. Best friend to Edelweiss and Anthemis

???? | ??. coming soon